
Saturday, January 14, 2012

healthy snacks 100

In case you don't know, I am OBSESSED with pinterest. My most favorite site by far and it gives me all these brilliant ideas. There's this post where six sisters share a blog (I know, basically us, right??) and there is some challenge or another to eat healthier snacks. I perused the list and practically everything I thought, what a great idea!! I love that! One of my goals this year is to do a better job eating good foods (for myself and for little d) and to plan it out in advance so that there are less Lucky Charms binges that that poor child has to witness (right before he steals all the marshmellows of course!).

I got the idea to make daily (or every other day) spinach and berry smoothies from Kendra (via Anna) and pretty much borrow all my healthy ideas from other people so I thought I would pass them along. Also, this picture was super cool and helped me get some more ideas and here is the site it is from.

SO good, right?!?!
And my crowning glory this week may have been when little d swiped a carton of cherry tomatoes and started eating them like they were candy. People were staring and I was glowing.
They don't have to know that broccoli is the gateway drug for his ranch dressing.


  1. cherry tomatoes? please encourage him to hang out more with DK! also love all the colorful, healthy pics. definitely going to make that one of my goals too.
